Exercising regularly is important for physical and mental health at ANY age ESPECIALLY for seniors! Managing a chronic condition like arthritis, or recovery from a surgery can set you back resulting in loss of strength and mobility.
Pilates is proven to be one of the best exercise methods for seniors! Wether you are already fit, getting fit or only just starting, Pilates can transform you. Seniors who participate in Pilates-based exercises report increased energy, decreased aches and pains, and improved quality of life!
What are the BENEFITS of Pilates for SENIORS?
1. Pilates is gentle and modifiable
The Pilates approach has all the advantages of traditional workout routines without the risk of injury and exercises can be modified by a professional Pilates instructor to better suit the need of the seniors. Pilates is virtually non-impact, which is beneficial for aging joints.
2. Increase strength, flexibility, mobility and endurance
Pilates training focuses on control and stability within small ranges of motion to build strength and endurance rather than large and aggressive movements that can cause early fatigue – or even injury. Seniors gain control and confidence as they progress to greater ranges of motion that improves flexibility and ease of movement.
3. Heightens body awareness therefor prevents falls
Pilates is built on the foundations: posture, breathing, and core strength. the focus on greater coordination and stability is crucial for seniors because it can help assist them in functional movements such as standing and walking. Pilates improves core, strength and flexibility which has an favourable impact on balance
4. Maintains mobility
The physical benefits of Pilates allows seniors to develop and improve mobility, which in return helps them stay stronger and happier.
5. Reduces the negative consequences of chronic medical disorders
Regular exercise, regardless of the medical condition or training method, help seniors maintain their independence longer which is an important component in reducing disease progression and enhancing quality of life.
These benefits positively work with the ageing body - targeting the powerhouse for effective exercise.
In conclusion:
Regular exercise can be beneficial to the physical health of elderly adults. As we get older we tend to lose flexibility, endurance, and balance. Meaning, difficult to find suitable exercises as we get older. TRY PILATES! It helps increase strength and balance without putting too much pressure on the joints!
